Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Jiminy Peak by Nan

Jiminy Peak, MA

The Cat 4 race was a double lap around a loop that included a gradual descent, then gradual ascent in rolling hills, followed by a corner into a moderate climb. The finish was at the top of the climb.

There was a good showing (39 women) and the weather was cloudy, drizzly and cool. The pack took off at a moderate pace and increased it gradually on the approach to the climb. The climb divided the group roughly in half.

The lead group took a strong pace on the descent and back through the rollers, into the wind. A chasing pack grew in numbers from 2 (I was one of them) to 8 as the lead group lost a few of their members and a couple of girls caught up with us. We could not catch the leaders at least partly because as our numbers grew, our organization diminished. According to reports from the front, the lead group pace was hard and the pace setter also won the race.

In all, I had a productive race. Looking forward to the rest of the season.


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